It gives me immense pleasure to know that the Adarsh Public School is celebrating its decennary this year. It is further gratifying to note that the school is taking out a special Edition of ”The Adarshian" a magazine of the school. I vividly remember the time when we started this school in 2008 with just a handful of students and that too after making a house to house visit to the Kapil Park Colony. Kapil Park did not have a single school for the children who Ioitered around aimlessly. It was then we decided to start a school primarily targeting the deprived segment of the society. Except for a patch of land, The Temple of Humanity Trust had neitherthe finances northe infrastructure of any kind and variety. Donations started pouring in when it was realized that it was for a noble cause. Result - a full fledged CBSE Affiliated school with a state of the art infrastructure. In this venture, the management of the school, the school faculty and the promoters worked overtime to make this experiment a success.
It gives boundless pleasure to note that the school has lived upto its motto- "From Darkness Unto Light"—and is continuing with the same momentum as started earlier. The Adarshians are now fully charged with a burning desire to unravel their vast potential of creativity and innovation. They have displayed excellent and unparalleled distipline during these ten years and is bound to produce good results. The school faculty lived upto its mission and worked overtime to make this experiment work. We targeted the under privileged segment of society for admissions and are proud that the school will be passing out students this year from the portals of this Institution who will play a meaningful role by merging themselves into the mainstream of society and will prove themselves to be the assets of the nation. In this mission, the parents ofthe Adarshians walked hand in hand with the school to extend their close and active participation and cooperation.